A welcome from Mr Luke, Divine Mercy Eco Warriors leader
Firstly, and most importantly, we are ALL Eco warriors.
We live on this planet together and we all want to continue living on a healthy, stable planet for us humans and the other living things that make up our natural environment. The world we live in. Our world.
The Divine Mercy Eco Warriors, from each class, attend regular meetings in school to plan how we can help our school family be as kind to our planet, fellow humans and the rest of life as possible.
We have now completed the environmental review of our school through an extensive list of questions to see what we are doing well… and those not so well.
We have almost completed our action plan, which is always an ongoing process, and this will help guide our actions for the remainder of the school year.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the other students who have helped with this.
So far we have:
- labelled our recycling bins so the right things get recycled
- been clearing out our pond of moss to enable more light and oxygen in, encouraging more nature
- grown some winter lettuce indoors as a food growing experiment
- increased the amount off plants within our beautiful school
- have started to tidy and plant in our food growing garden
- Have made grow beds from recycled bins
- planted sensory plants in EYFS
- made an environmentally-friendly mural to remember our soldiers and other serve people who have died in different wars
We want this to be a regular Eco column in The Divine Mercy News that will help you help our natural environment. We will show you how to save money at home while being kind to the earth.
Remember, we are all Eco Warriors.
Thank you
The Eco Warriors Team.